REVIEW: Got Me Thinking by Casey Cox
This was the swooniest, most romantic book of the whole series. I absolutely loved it.
Two men who are searching for something, and though they may think they know what it is they want, they soon discover what they need.
It was deep and rich. It alternated beautifully between fun and flirty, introspective and thoughtful, and silly and easy.
Chase was a wild card, I didn’t really get a sense of him in previous books, but damn, he’s my favourite. Such a lovely kind-hearted guy who’s been struggling with big things on his own. But when he starts to own his truth and let people in…gah, so lovely.
I really enjoyed how much these two enjoyed the simple moments, the real moments of just being together, nothing grand or wild required.
And that epilogue! *chef’s kiss*
Stars: 5
🕮 Got Me Thinking by @caseycoxbooks
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He's a single dad ready to start dating again. I'm newly divorced and new to…well, everything. This is going to be a disaster… Isn't it?
When my marriage ends, I decide to buy a run-down house and get a drove of piglets. My friends think I'm having a breakdown, when really, all I'm doing is the one thing I've avoided my whole life––figuring out who I am.
One thing I'm quickly learning is that life loves nothing more than to throw you a curveball when you least expect it.
Take Fischer West. From the moment we serendipitously collide on a midnight stroll, he ignites something within me. We have a connection. I want to explore it, even though the timing is all wrong.
There's no way either one of us is ready for a relationship, so why has Fischer got me thinking it might just work?
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