REVIEW: To Trust and To Touch by Vivi Anne Hunt
TO TRUST AND TO TOUCH by Vivi Anne Hunt Release Date: December 13, 2022 Review This is a touching portrayal of a guy who has been marred by a horrific event that has altered his life. Leaving him feeling broken and like he may never be normal again. It’s an intimate story that follows the meeting of Alex and Sigh, and a deep, and immediate, connection that they can’t seem to deny (even when they try). His trauma so consumes Alex that it is often hard for him to see things through a level head, blowing up Sigh’s ‘missteps’ , making them into huge events. It felt real, the unable to see things clearly, the outburst controlled by fear. But through it all, Sigh remained steady and unrelenting. He was a true romantic who was convinced he could woo his way through most problems, if a milkshake didn’t fix it, that is. He’s a wonderful counterpoint for Alex. Providing love, patience and complete acceptance, while also helping him to find a purpose to drive him. And a certain little...