
Showing posts with the label Backlist

Backlist Review: Flat Whites and Chocolate Fish by Jay Hogan

Review: Two grumps is an entirely underrated trope. Seriously, move over sunshine, I want grump on grump action any time of the day. I mean angry, closed-off, and frustratingly sexy men are definitely my kink. This was definitely darker than the other books in the series, with a dark past for Adrian and a fair amount of suspense and mystery to move the story along (which gives these men a push in the right direction to admitting their feelings). I enjoyed the development of these two, their growth, and their recovery from their pasts and perceived notions of themselves. Helped in part from their found families. And, the ending, awww. In the end, it turned out these two grumps were really pussycats. (okay, slightly cranky pussycats, but still) Stars: 4 🕮 Flat Whites and Chocolate Fish by @jayhoganauthor 📚 Add to your TBR ➟ Synopsis: ADRIAN POWELL has a secret, a secret he’s guarded for 17 years. But it’s come at a cost—few friends, fewer lovers and a lifetime...

BACKLIST REVIEW: Salvation by Sloane Kennedy

Review: Oooph, that was an emotional book. It was a tough go, a bit of a rollercoaster, and there were some really tough parts that will leave me raw for quite a while (note to self, read trigger warnings). These two have had a really tough go, with some pretty significant past traumas and pain, that leads to some pretty intense push and pull as they try and find their way out the other side where they can be happy. They are closely connected but don’t know the full extent of the things they’ve experienced, but sharing means breaking down walls and possibly being rejected. They both need the other, and when it finally comes together, it’s a beautiful thing, in the meantime, they connect through some pretty hot sex. Throw in some mystery, an adorable dog, and some great old and new characters you’ve been introduced to Salvation Sloane Kennedy is a fantastic writer and does an amazing job at writing action-packed emotional and angsty books. Stars: 4 🕮 Salvation by @sloanekennedyauthor ...

Backlist Review: Grounding Griffin by Lucy Lennox

Review: This was released in 2019, it seems so long ago, but making it through my TBR list is hard, and sometimes I feel like I hold off reading the ones I know I’m going to love, kinda afraid they’ll be gone once I’ve gotten through them. All that to say, I love the Made Marian series. I love the MCs, I love the side characters, I love the settings, I love Lucy’s books! Grounding Griffin is the 4th book in the series of Marian brothers. Griffin is one of the youngest of 9 siblings, adopted after being kicked out and having spent some time in the system and on the streets. It’s left him with some trust issues and a fear of dreaming. Sam has family, but really he’s been fending for himself and his sister alone for a long time. Maybe what they both need is one person who they can believe in and will believe in them. This has lots of fun moments, often fueled by misunderstandings and some jealousy, but it also has a lot of tenderness, love, and frustration. Try as you may, you can’t run ...

Backlist Review: Starting From Zero by Lane Hayes

  Review: I’ve read part of this series, ‘Starting from’, already, admittedly out of order, which I don’t normally do. Not sure how that happened. However, this means I’ve seen this couple in other books and had seen their relationship progress along the way. Sometimes that would make you not overly eager to actually read their story, but I love Lane Hayes’ writing, and the characters of this world, so it really just made me excited to see how it actually all came to be. I wasn’t disappointed. I loved the chaotic nature of the story, in part driven by Justin’s ADHD and his attempts to make it in the music business, and the overly dramatic chosen family of Gray. That anyone can make a relationship work given all that, it must be love. I love an age gap, I also love the opposite natures. Gray is calm, laid back and a homebody. Justin is scattered and full of energy. But together, they are perfect and they become a calm amongst the storm. Sure you’ll want to yell at them to com...