REVIEW: Embrace Me by Beck Grey



Well, that had all the feelings and it was totally engrossing, I didn’t want to put it down.

This is a fantastic story that delves into the world of hearing and deaf people and communities, love, family, and dreams.

These two made me cry: because they are sweet and pretty adorable together, but also because they struggle to get it right and the pain of that struggle was raw. They both want the relationship, but they are afraid of the difficult conversations, wrapped up in their own feelings and past hurts. Wanting to give themselves to it, but worried about giving up too much of themselves in the process and not being able to give enough to the other at the same time I love how they work through it (with some familial help). And oh, the satisfaction when they do get it right. Not to mention they are hot together!

The side characters (at least the friends and family) were all great and well developed. Tom was especially great, I hope I’m always the type of friend/colleague Tom is.

I am hearing, so I can’t speak to the depiction of deaf people, their community, or what it’s like to interact with the hearing world. Obviously not every person's experience is the same, but it felt very true and real. It also made me think hard about real life and future interactions I might have with anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing.

Stars: 5

🕮 Embrace Me by @beckgreyauthor
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Tadhg: After a nasty breakup with my manipulative ex, I returned home to Seattle to lick my wounds. I’m done with relationships. From now on I’m focusing on my career.

There are just a few issues with that.

1. It’s not that easy for a Deaf man to succeed in a Hearing world, even with the right degree and experience.

2. Quinn MacDougall. He’s my co-worker. He’s also incredibly talented, driven, and distractingly handsome.

3. He’s hearing. And that’s the biggest problem of all. How can someone who isn’t Deaf ever truly understand and accept me?

Embrace Me is a 95,000-word contemporary MM romance about language barriers, loving but demanding families, crappy bosses, and sexy guys in speedos. It contains no cheating, low angst, and a guaranteed Happily Ever After.

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