REVIEW: Pippin & Nacho by Courtney W. Dixon (Alpha's Rejects #2)



Alpha’s Rejects - Book Two

by Courtney W. Dixon

Release Date: June 28, 2024


Courtney excels at angsty and complicated men who draw you in and put you in a chokehold of emotions.

Sampson and Nate are the sweetest, most amazing best friends with codependency that runs DEEP! Their story is a study of how beautiful and destructive that can be. 

It has been the two of them against the world for so long, but in particular, it’s been Nate protecting Sampson from the world. And you will absolutely adore him for that. But trying to keep them both alive, let alone thrive, is starting to wear him down. Not to mention the effort it takes to hide his feelings for his best friend.

Sampson has relied completely on Nate, and so he does everything he can to not lose his best friend. Including not revealing his true feelings.

It’s not until things come to a head that they are forced to figure their future and feelings out.

Don’t fear, they have an amazing group of friends to help them and care about them. Our boys aren’t alone anymore.

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He was my very survival. Without him, I was nothing.

Pippin (Sampson)

I’m broken, hiding my pain behind fake smiles and pretend joy. Inside, I’m a mental mess between being tossed into conversion therapy and foster care as a kid. I struggle to focus and suffer anxiety, panic attacks, and nightmares. My passions for skateboarding and bartending make me happy enough. But only Nate, my former foster brother and best friend, calms me and keeps me going forward. I’m not sure what I would do without him. Even worse, I secretly love him. Loving him could mean losing him.

Nacho (Nate)

I’d been in and out of foster care for as long as I could remember. My last home was with Sam. We quickly became friends, and I instantly went into protective mode. After Sam got hurt by our foster father, I took Sam out of there and watched over him for two years while living on the streets. When you spend a lifetime not being wanted by anyone, you crave being needed, and Sam needs me. But I secretly love him. I’ve told my friends I don’t want to ruin my friendship with Sam. The truth is if we don’t work out, I won’t be there to take care of him. Sam’s needs are more important than my feelings.

This book is the second in a series, but like all my books, it can be read as a standalone.

Please read the triggers before picking up this book.

CW: Conversion therapy (abusive and sexual assault), foster care, abuse, runaways, suicidal ideations, panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD, iatrophobia (intense fear of doctors), abandonment, co-dependency, homelessness, poverty, smoking, mental health.

About Courtney W. Dixon

Courtney W. Dixon loves to write erotic romance. She writes both m/f and m/m stories all in one series to add a variety to her characters. Though there are erotic elements to her stories, they are rich with relationship growth. Even those enemies to lovers, a favorite of hers. Her characters are filled with deep POVs with trouble pasts, full of depth and emotion. She tries to give them complexity and growth as their stories move. And her favorite is to break her main characters down to lift them back up in order to give them their HEA's.

Courtney is also a mixed media artist who's primarily been focused on writing lately. You can find her working in Central Texas with her husband, two boys and two crazy dogs, none of whom know how to knock on a door while she's working.

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